Good Things Coming

In last week’s podcast, I shared a little bit about my dreams as a child and how it took years – decades, actually – to see any semblance of those dreams come to fruition. Years of waiting and wondering if I was ever going to make it as a musician.

 Waiting is exhausting. It is tedious and draining and often discouraging. There are more questions than there are answers, and, frankly, it just gets old rather quickly.

But there are lessons we can learn in the waiting. Any period of waiting in our lives can be useful and can be used for growth. This is something I touch on in this next week’s episode, so I’ll wait until it drops to go into more detail on this. For now, though, I do want to encourage you by saying that waiting isn’t pointless. In fact, it can be really productive! 

I will close with the reading I shared from The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie – Good Things Coming:

Do not worry about how the good that has been planned for you will come. It will come.

Do not worry, obsess, think you have to control it, go out hunting for it, or tangle your mind trying to figure out how and when it will find you. It will find you.

Surrender to your Higher Power each day. Trust your Higher Power. Then, stay peaceful. Trust and listen to yourself. That is how the good you want till come to you.

Your healing. Your joy. Your relationships. Your solutions. That job. That desired change. That opportunity. It will come to you – naturally, with ease, and in a host of ways.

That answer will come.

The direction will come.

The money. The idea. The energy. The creativity.

The path will open itself to you. Trust that, for it has already been planned.

It is futile, a waste and drain of energy, to worry about how it will come. It is already there. You have it already. It is in place. You just cannot see it!

You will be brought to it, or it will be brought to you.

Prayer: Today, I will relax and trust that the good I need will find me. Either through my leadings or the leadings of others, all I want and need will come to me when the time is right.

Be blessed, my friends. See you next week!


It’s All Connected – Part 1


It’s Always Your Choice