My Artist’s Oath

In 2024, I read 32 books. This isn’t a staggering number in comparison to some of my friends who read 100 or more; but what is the saying? “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And so I will be proud of the 32 books I read. My goal was 30, and I exceeded that by 2. I’d say that’s a win!


At the top of my list of books that inspired me and made an impact on my life is a new release from Dr. Meredith Hite Estevez, The Artist’s Joy: A Guide to Getting Unstuck, Embracing Imperfection, and Loving Your Creative Life. I had been listening to Meredith’s podcast Artists for Joy for about a year when she announced her first book was being released. I immediately pre-ordered my copy!


One of the self-coaching exercises in the book is creating what is called your artist’s oath. This is the guide by which you promise to live. The intention is not to create a strict set of rules you feel obligated to follow and that make you miserable. Rather, it is a guidebook that helps you form a rhythm – a rhythm that enriches your creativity and your art. It is a lighthouse on those days that you seem to lose sight of what you love most. A guide home to your creative self and the core of who you are as an artist.


It was so cathartic to develop my own artist’s oath. In hopes that this will inspire you, I am sharing mine here.


My Artist’s Oath

by Christina Mathis

January 8, 2025


I joyfully swear

·      That I will not base my worthiness on my productivity – or lack thereof.

·      To balance the pursuit of excellence with grace and kindness.

·      To always remember that each misstep was actually another stone paving the way to my ultimate story in the mosaic of my life (Meredith Hite-Estevez).

·      To always remember that all of life is my studio (Julia Cameron) and that I am surrounded by beauty to inspire me.


Code of Conduct

·      I will allow myself to rest whenever and however long my mind and body need.

·      I will fill my life with beauty so that when I create, I am doing so from abundance.

·      I will be intentional about the food I eat and will eat healthy, nourishing meals and drink plenty of water.

·      I will move my body often – not out of punishment but because it feels good to move.

·      I will open my heart to loving and to being loved, understanding that creativity flows so much more freely from an open heart than from a closed one.

·      I will be intentional about creating space in my schedule for creativity and play.

·      I will give myself permission to pivot anytime I realize I am on the wrong path. (“Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw)

·      I will leave room for wonder and will guard my heart and spirit against cynicism and bitterness.

·      I will live and create in congruence with my core beliefs (Heidi Kay Begay) remembering that my creativity connects me to my way. (Meredith Hite-Estevez)

·      I will focus on substance over form (Melody Beattie). Inner depth is more important and more lasting than outer beauty.

·      I will remember that legacy matters more than the moment. (Heidi Kay Begay)

·      I will remind myself as often as necessary that my path is uniquely mine and, therefore, the lessons I have learned along the way were gained from my unique perspective and add to the uniqueness of my story.

·      I will approach all of life as a scientist – asking questions, rethinking what I know in search of discovering what I don’t know. (Adam Grant)

·      I will ask “What if?” and fearlessly chase the answer.

·      I will faithfully create as long as I live. As Beethoven wrote in his Heilegenstadt Testament that his art compelled him to continue, I will remember that as long as I am alive, I have a purpose and a calling to create.


Whereas the party, one Christina Mathis, signs hereto on this day, with joy.



Christina Mathis


Five Life Lessons I am Carrying into the New Year